Saturday, January 7, 2012

To be loved

On a prayer meeting, the pastor shared 4 reasons why we must experience the love of God, to be loved by Him.

1. So that we can love God. We can't love God if we haven't experienced to be loved by Him.
2. So that we can love others. 1 John 4:11
3. So that we can love the church.
4. So that we can love the nation.


One thing that I really wanna learn this year is to follow up my new year resolution throughout the year and live every day of 2012 purposefully. It sounded very big like my past year resolutions which were always failed completely. But this year, I am convicted to live every day with purpose, and therefore decided to set several goals for the year. After coming back to Malaysia and starting my life as a working adult, I realized how much I am giving myself excuses to 'rest' after an entire day of work. Well, I know what I do in my downtime are mostly wasting my time. Therefore, I am more convinced to really look back my working adult life and see how I can use whatever resources that I am given for His kingdom.

1. Pick up a musical instrument (Either learning guitar or pick up piano/keyboard again)
2. Finish off the books that I brought back from the States
3. Eat with people during weekday after work, hang out with friends during the weekend

Monday, December 19, 2011

That moment

Photography allows me to capture that "moment" where captivates my heart - it could be the moment that I spent with the people I love, or when I saw a breathtaking scenery. It could be the scenery where it perfectly reflects my thoughts. Today, on my usual train ride to work, a high-rise building with houses at the background caught my sight. This could be a nice picture reflecting well the city I am in right now. I really wish so badly I could have brought my camera with me. Too bad, I missed it :(

The same thing in real life too. Am I tuning to God's channel when He is speaking? 

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Potato Salad time

Cooking was my de-stressing moment. This is usually the moment I'm being myself, busy-ing in my little own world :) I was making potato salad for tonight Christmas outreach dinner. I had to prepare for 20+ people. Well, I think I might have overestimated this time (maybe my cooking skill is getting rusty). 

While preparing the potato salad, I was just reminiscing the time I cooked for people - either roommates, life group members or friends. It felt like a while ago, even though it has just been few months ago. Can't believe it's almost end of 2011. Emo-ing. Wish I can go back to June, May, April, March, the white Christmas that I had in the States, etc. 

During one of the session in the HMCC Singapore Retreat, we were asked to write down our life story. Even though I have done this a couple of times in the past few years, God's faithfulness was clearly written out of every chapter of my life. He was, is and will be with me through up and down. This is something I really struggle with at this chapter. I couldn't see what lies before me but I want more out of what I am doing right now. And I know I could only patiently wait and obey God when He calls. 

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Reminder: Worship is...

Extracted this from the website that was shared by P Pete :)


7 Things That Worship Is… November 30, 2011

#1 – Repentance - Where there is no repentance there may be an emotional experience, but it’s not worship! Worship does not become worship until it IMPACTS the WAY WE LIVE!

#2 – Intellectual – We’re called to worship the Lord with our minds by renewing it and fixing it on Him. (Colossians 3:1-2)

#3 – Emotional- Worship is overwhelming when we realize how deeply we were entrenched in sin, how helpless we were and how incredible it is that Jesus would rescue us. (The reality of Romans 5:8 BLOWS ME AWAY!)

#4 – Intentional- No one accidentally follows Christ…if we are going to worship Him, it will be done purposefully!

#5 – Relational – Worship impacts every relationship we have, it is impossible to be a fully devoted worshipper of Christ and be a jerk to your wife or try as often as possible to take advantage of the opposite sex.

#6 – Financial – Until following Christ has impacted our finances in a sacrificial way we are not followers of Christ. Would you like to see the primary object of your worship…look at your checkbook!

#7 – Unconditional – (and NOT situational!) Worship is consistent, 24/7, not just when I feel good or God is giving me all that I want. If we worship only when things are good, we do not worship God…we worship a genie!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

John 15:5

"I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in Me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from Me you can do nothing" John 15:5

Saturday, November 5, 2011


It seems that my last post was six month ago :p The usual me. Well, where to start?

As I was reflecting on the first day I stepped on my mother land, God has shown His faithfulness in so many ways - family time, getting a job, settling down, getting to know my colleagues,  etc. I could only say He is faithful even though I'm not faithful.

It is always so easier to fall back to Me-centered world again in the workplace - I can get this work done on my own, if I do this and this, after two years I must achieve this and this, I'm better than that guy........ Pride is getting uglier and uglier.

Lord, this is how much that I need You. 

Be Lifted High 
Sin and its ways grow old
All of my heart turns to stone
And I'm left with no strength to arise
How You need to be lifted high

Sin and its ways lead to pain
Left here with hurt and with shame
So no longer will I leave your side
Jesus, you be lifted high

You be lifted high
You be lifted high
You be lifted high in my life
Oh God
And I fall to my knees
So it's you that they see
Not I
Jesus, you be lifted high

And even now that I'm inside your hands
Help me not to grow prideful again
Don't let me forsake sacrifice
Jesus you be lifted high

And if I'm blessed with the riches of kings
How could I ever think that it was me
For you brought me from darkness to light
Jesus, you be lifted high

You be lifted high
You be lifted high
You be lifted high in my life
Oh God
And I fall to my knees
So it's you that they see
Not I
Jesus, you'll be lifted high

Oh Jesus, you be lifted high
Oh you be lifted high
Oh you be lifted high in my life
Oh God
And I fall to my knees
So it's you that they see
Not I
Jesus, you be lifted high